Monday, 8 October 2018

Day 12 - Are we there yet?

After an adequate breakfast and a passionate debate about the costs (which I lost) we set off on a route that I had spent some time revising.  This was to replace the boring 'B' roads (highways) for 'L' routes (local).  This was worth while and gave us better roads until the first diversion!
The latter half of the day was mostly conurbation after conurbation, resulting in the traditional refrain of "are we there yet".
A quick lunch stop at a 'drive through' German bakery, it would have been rude not to, resulting in JB commenting that this was his first lunch stop this tour.  (His fault, he could have had lunch at the Austrian bakery a few days ago).
Finally the conurbations came to an end in the city of Munster.  We now know when rush hour on Mondays start!
Finally our GPS tells us we have arrived although we can't see a hotel.  After reprogramming and a lap of the block, we determine that this building site is actually the hotel.  After a conversation with the construction workers we are offered jobs until we revealed that I am an architect and John works in H & S.
In my defense, when I booked I was told that the dining room was under reconstruction, not that they had just started building the hotel!
We agreed though that the glass door to the toilet was a nice touch though !

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